October 27, 2007


We have been forced to undergo construction on the pentagram flowerbox site. We apologize for any likeness to a moldy ol' newspaper and assure you we are doing everything within our powers to correct this.
Thank You

September 23, 2007

We Takin' Applecations

Our 2nd Monkey Shines Auto Wash commercial.

August 16, 2007

this is special...

there's a Third Mind link over there! http://www.myspace.com/burnthelab
Pentagram Flowerbox has joined a social network. Not that either one of us are capable of being social. You Simply Must Believe This. We'll try to talk about things that aren't Pentagram Flowerbox...so you won't think we're narrow...and also...they can say...at least they're trying, bless their pointed little heads.
Thank You,
Third Mind

monkey shines preview

This is a bit from our work in progress MONKEY SHINES AUTO WASH. "Bit" means this is the first thing we've done. "work in progress" means it started out as a commercial for a carwash and it may end that way. We don't know yet. But it's about a carwash. Called MONKEY SHINES! And monkeys work there. We do know that much. This is Lil' monkey #1, eager to clean your veekle for you. Yes, inside and out, Ma'am.
Thank You,
Third Mind

August 03, 2007

Freedom is Inconvenient

Jusso yanno. This song originally contained a sound byte that said..."smoking is one of the FUCKING GOOD things in life". We left it out cause it was Crowded in there. That's what this is about, We Swear. It's for us. We The Smokers. It's not AIMED at anybody...though some will take it personal...You Know Who You Are. Indeed, it's WE The Smokers who are being attacked.
Freedom is just another word for...They can take it away. So there.
Oh, go over to YouTube and see what we got thrown in with. It is to laugh out loud.
Thank You
Rev Baitor

July 12, 2007

May 28, 2007

art for art`s sake

i`d like to talk about art.i dont know an effable thing about ineffable art.experts do.god`s gift to the faker......that`s what elmir de hoary said.and he should know.somebody said his fakes were real and they hang in museums to this day.if you`ve gone to any REAL museums you may have seen his fakes and not known it.he`s dead now so those fakes are REAL forever.museums aren`t for me or electranama....we like to touch things.i think i heard one time she got asked to leave coz she woodn`t stop touching......but i may have heard it in a dream.
i`ve come to know that art is an entity.none of us MAKE it.it gives birth to itself and somebody gets to be the surrogate mother.and like many surrogate mothers i used to get attached and want to hold it and guard it and say it was mine.but it wasn`t.and it wasn`t everybody else`s,either.it belonged to itself.i made money with it. i whored out my own surrogate child.who here has done that?show of hands?who here would LIKE to?tsk tsk.
not everybody who CREATES is doing it so other people can applaud them.we don`t all wanna be on tv.this two thirds sure never did.not every song that`s written is even MEANT to be heard.i wrote A LOT of songs one time.one.long.unhappy. time.and the first....at least 30 of them were written and nobody heard them but my momma.within the first 5 songs i wrote something called rosie rosie.you MAY have sung along to it.because in NO TIME FLAT i was singin those songs and alot more.now.....just because i sang them....and others sang along....and i got paid....doesn`t mean they were meant to be heard.
electranama and i have been doing this cartoon for less than a year.we NEVER asked that it be shown ANYWHERE.we don`t even know if it`s good.only experts can say for sure.it has been a juicy time for me.we shared in a process that resulted in this netwerk here.it`s been fun and creative and very INTIMATE.and we don`t even know what it means.we leave THAT to the experts,too.one thing i`ve learned is if you got a good thing keep it to yourself coz everybody will want some and they always think that thier little piece won`t be missed.well an uncarved block ceases to be uncarvred with the first hack.so there.
some hungry monkies came along and ASKED US if they could use our cartoon.and it wasn`t even a cartoon!we didn`t even have any of the programs that we use to do this.it was an idea.but they asked.we were told that somebody was tryin to get something started and needed ANYTHING to fill space.oh yeah...the old i got an empty space to fill......and someone somewhere tried to wrangle the intimate meanderings of two lone nuts in the same place at the same time into something UNDERSTANDABLE to everyone.ok....WE don`t know what it means beyond the shear childlike joy of smooshing colours around except we now get to make them talk.how ANYONE can claim to understand it enuff to CHANGE it is...ummmmm....beyond the pale....not sure about the origins of that phrase but it sounds pretenshus enuff for me to pseudo intellectualize with here. we don`t know whats POPular in CULTure.we don`t know what people want to see.and we honestly never tried to find out.coz this is the only place we ever APPROVED of our werk being.and its fine if you look at it.everything is everything,tony.we aren`t tryin to tell you anything with this cartoon.it`s just our observations to and with each other.tryin to make that commercial is like selling a childs painting rite off the refridgerator door......and kiddies.....that`s pretty desperate.......
i LOVE doing this cartoon.not too fond of seeing it cut up because it`s not DESIGNED for the scrutiny of an editor ....not intended for ANYONE`S agenda.....we don`t have an agenda with this...how can somebody else PRESUME to?you know how when you get comfortable enuff with a friend and you can fart in thier presence?making this cartoon is like that for us...we can fart and laff about it....until someone comes along and starts judging our commingled flatulence for embouchure and tonal qualities.
art for art`s sake....money for god`s sake or they`ll cut off your internet.
thank you

in the pudding

all i really know fer sure is that when you view baaad tofu on this site...it IS in sync....just like electranama made it to be........in one piece.......not TWO pieces with the second somehow outta sync like on rfc....and i don`t know what file thingy rfc is saying was outta sync when they recieved it...coz WE didn`t send any such thing....we thot they just downloaded it with that dodgy Vdownloader....and i spent some time reading rfc production notes last nite and they sure are quick to owning up to outta sync problems created by them...and even doing Fancy Filmwerk to cover said problems....like on that Edgy....guitar pick in my koolaid video.....but i guess you only get self negating apologies for bad editing if you`re a good boy who doesn`t talk back...coz if you do talk back mama leone leaves a note on your door that says i`ze tru wod youse.but that`s not the end of it.they come back and offer to link ya if you`ll just take back what you done.at least i CAN take it back.at least what i`ve done is deletable.what rfc has done is out there now.praise bob that electranama AND i are selfsupporting....coz that outta sync episode woodna done a bit of good for OUR careers if we were tryin to get paid for doing what we love.i defended my animator last week.i approached rfc...a place i did not want to be...because however it happened...the werk electranama did...as evident on this site...was altered...and not in the usual dumb it down coz my audience don`t get them arty things way...in a lousey editing way.and CERTAINLY...and this if completely UNAPOLOGETIC....as is typical with us penis impaired people....us vital muscley out of style knuckle draggin apes....i used more force than needed.i always expect them to be stronger than they are.....not roll over like the italians did in WWII....also...in reading rfc last nite...i stumbled on yet another mention of my name....my name was never supposed to be mentioned....i....at least...am not screaming look at me look at me look at me...and this time it was Verbal....Out Loud...and mispronounced as it was mispelled...so...if i`d have been watching the show.....the RETROSPECTIVE....in january....our little flowerbox wooda been pulled from there then...and they`d have never shown dope smokin grand son in it`s entirety...no editing that time.....musta had a lot of space to fill...and what has come to pass lately....with rfc....woodna had the chance to......so if you wanna be anonomouse stay away from rfc....your name will get dropped...even if they don`t know who you used to be or are now....even if you repeatadly ask it to stop.....and the facts aren`t gonna get checked enuff to even spell your name rite.NICHOLAS.do you know it now?????i sure am happy that flatline television isn`t gonna fall under some shakey sweaty palmed cutters knife.not in charleston wva,not on rfc.

May 27, 2007

Dung Beetles

Hi! I'm third mind's animator, Electranama ...
So what! right? or left? gotta step back to get alittle of...
my perspective...
I have many interests and hobbies, amongst them...toying with computers, learning new programs and trying to express other people's ideas and storylines thro animation. Well, I should have known better...see what has come of it? I have been a purrfessional and made the big $$ and receive a check on a regular basis. So NOW I'm able to try and have some fun doing what I enjoy. Seems that's been temporarily stumped...
I didn't know that what I was toying with a year ago was gonna get scraped up and used despite it's immaturity. I was quite surprised. Thought it would be a learning experience. Well it certainly has been. Was hoping to collaborate, expand content, and esp laugh! Means enjoy what you're doing. This is supposed to be fun. I also heard thro the grapevine that the free content might help someone out that needed a job. That was also great. I really tried to help...do a favor for a stranger. I've done crazier things but, it's always best to know that when you think you are doing a favor the laugh is really on you. (esp when you are being tolerated...as a favor to someone else). and I am disposable after the favor serves it's 'purpose'.
I honestly never wanted PFB televised. The show wasn't up to MY standards. It would have been embarrassing. I don't dream of publication or need attention or monetary reward for my art. This blog is where i store my work and watch it as i learn, create and destroy as i please. It was also an awfully convenient place to vdownload animation content for free and do whatever, whenever. That would have been cool, 2...with alittle communication, maybe I could have assisted with some of the editing. If I'd just been asked. I do favors...no prob.
I didn't know that WSAZ was part of the PLAN. So, perhaps it's best this way. Yeah, lack of communication is detrimental to a team if everybody wants to be on the same page. After wading thro all these comments and emails I see there was a goal, here...right? left? Not mine...I won't tolerate having to meet deadlines for my HOBBY. And banging ones head against the wall really sounds quite stressful. I am truly sorry.
I would have loved the opportunity to work with anyone! get feedback! new storylines! and I still wonder where the anon GW Bush came from. If I'd known who you were...we could have collaborated. But, anyways...thanks for the free content, at this point. It was fun. Much obliged.
I've enjoyed my last year...have picked up quite abit of information from this excursion. And thank you, thank you again to WHOEVER sent the programs i've been using. My intentions have been good and shame on me for not speaking up before now. Instead, Rev Baiter did...and REAL good, too.

Shame on all of us. Reminds me of dung beetles on a hot job. Hmmm....sounds like a brilliant piece to animate next. Big lime lights shimmering down on a pile of hot shit and the dung beetles ...... trying to scurry off with a few little pieces.
keep it rolling...
Maybe it's time for me to animate my perspective.

shame shame shame

May 26, 2007

ethics question

i think this is ironic.....there is a commentor on radio free charleston who wants to see more timmy....little timmy.......and well rite there is flatline television that is just timmy timmy timmy for MINUTES...and even if he thinks we`ve gotten crappy otherwise he could at least come and see flatline television....coz fuck sake it sure isn`t gonna be on rfc....is it?that IS irony,isn`t it?i have trouble with vague literary terms.......and see....if i went over there and invited this guy to come see timmy over here.....it wouldn`t get published.....its interesting to me....by the way.....how rfc deleted my negative comments...but printed negative comments about us after he had.....ummmm....dissmissed us....but anyhow.....this guy cood come see prolly the last of little timmy......clifford charles is elsewhere and we are outta contact.......hey cliff!!!!call us and have a blessed day.........and this guy could never come back again to our blog coz if he don`t like where it`s goin on rfc then...then he`d really hate what he hasn`t seen....
hey....deacon chuck...you out there???....have an ethical question......and this is werking with the model that i was indeed unethical printing those emails........ok........if someone sends an email to someone and then they send it to someone else....and that person sends it to me......it is no longer private...is it???.......especially since i`m the one who said what is getting passed around.....coz man......deacon......somebody sent me copies of my deleted comments from rfc......full illustrations of my assholiness...fer sure.....and i`m thinkin about publishing them here.....i feel just like lenny bruce....should i offer rfc the chance to publish them first???.....ethically speaking...i mean......

thank you

some things

i don`t know rudy pannuci.never heard his voice except on rfc.never called me.never broke bread at my table or slept on my couch.i`m not sure why he would think i was his friend.conversely....not knowing him AT ALL removes him from being my enemy.ethics are something that i leave to people who feel that they are in a position to say what`s rite or wrong.....that or they`re repeating what they`ve HEARD is or isn`t.....rite or wrong.
i probably did act unprofessionally with rudy panucci......i....after all....am not a professional.professionals get paid.MONEY.so if anybody was BEING professional here it too is a fraud coz till money changes hands we are all just....just doing it.we do it coz we love it.we don`t EVER expect to get paid for doing this.....that`s why i go to a job i don`t love,,,to get paid.novel idea,huh?werkin for your pay?
and i`m painfully aware that rudy has been werkin fer free and bangin his head against a wall for a year.the wall is in brian young`s studio and so even that is handed to rudy...free.two thirds of us....the ones who don`t live in wva...feel pretty lucky in all this the past year...all we`ve done is a cartoon we wooda done anyway.all that head bangin went on around rfc....never a moments concern to us in a whole nother state.
i also feel like rudy gets royally fucked by the charleston newspapers.rudy knows it`s true but he`s in no position to say so.there,rudy.they be screwin you.and everybody EXCEPT us two thirds gets the trickle down cum stain.brian and his studio....every musician who plays for free....all get spattered.to us...it looks like rudy cood do what he does with a blogspot or u tube.....not that i know....but brian thinks so too and he just MIGHT know....and it has ALWAYS hurt what feelings i have to see rudy holding out hope that the charleston newspapers are going to do anything for him.it was kinda sweet at first....kinda innocent.....but it just looks like abuse after awhile.used and abused.thats what i see.i am a victim of NOTHING ....if rudy was my friend as he says...he`d know that.....and i`m not pretending to be a victim,either.the only victim i see is rudy.
i tried to be open and honest on the rfc comments and got them deleted.if i`d known rudy was trying to schmmooze money from somebody i`d have not shown up rite then.on the other hand....my friend rudy pannucci didn`t tell me he was shopping his show around with my content in it....which strikes me as unprofessional....unethical....and discourteous...but i am in NO way one to judge that,either.
now then....rudy`s emails posted on this blog.........i`m pretty sure NO ONE reads this site...so relax,rudy.......we aren`t nearly as pop(ular) as you.but i`m leavin them up for now.coz for a year now rudy has told charleston west virginia how wonderful our cartoon is....to tune in next time to see more of it...and in his PRIVATE emails he tells us how bad we are.makes me wonder if he feels the same way about the rest of his content providers.....that all of it is just free content that rudy puts on coz he can`t do much on his own....and it all starts to look like one big recognize rudy on the street and help him avoid the unpleasantries of werking at something he doesn`t love show.at the very least....he has lied either to his zillions of fans about how good our cartoon is.....or he is a nasty little man striking out at a cartoon that cracks him up.coz his public face says he loves us and his emails say quite the opposite.and also.....the programs that we use for this cartoon.....came from chas wva to help us develop our show.........which is odd behavior for someone who thinks our show is shit...or at least is shit until he helps us...and so thank you chas wva for that or we woodn`t be doin this at all.......even suckingly.
i wish for rudy the CONTINUED success he has enjoyed in his life in the entertainment biz thus far.he must be something coz he was gonna get us on adult swim.so...more of the same,rudy.
thank you for your time....dear readers...we will continue our little show coz we love doin it,and we will continue to not delete your comments coz we got NOTHIN TO HIDE and neither should you.
thank you
timothy nicholas

May 24, 2007

Now We'll Never Be One of the Cool Kids

I guess THIS is our official email of dismal from Rudy Panucci's Radio Free Charleston, although I sense ambiguous language that makes me unsure if he's still gonna continue to use our free content. Another career shot to hell...and we do mean ours...

The EMAIL that crushed us...

The problem is that the comments WEREN'T moderated before they were published. They went directly online for everyone to see. And last night I sent out emails to prospective underwriters telling them to read the production notes and watch the show. The link I gave them took them directly to your unmoderated comments at the end of the production notes, which basically trashed me and the show and made us look real low-rent. I can only hope that I got all your comments deleted before anyone else saw them. The potential for real harm to my career was there. I'm scraping by on freelance writing money, juggling bills and expenses, and I was hoping to get the chance to do what I love and get paid, for once. I'm trying to move the show to broadcast television, and if it happens, everyone who contributes to the show will be paid. I hope you realize that your content was mainly on the show 1) as a favor to Brian, and 2) because it was free. I was actually looking forward to possibly collaborating with you and helping you get PF into some commerically viable form that could generate some money for you. You have a great concept there, but you have no idea how to properly tell your story. With some guidance, you could get it on Adult Swim easy, but as it is, they wouldn't look twice at it. My email addy is in the credits for every show. Yours was available to me because of the comments you left this morning--all eight of them. It is a shame that it ended like this. I won't be including PF in any broadcast version of the show. Good luck with what you do in the future.

Later, Rudy
Visit PopCult at The GAZZ
Watch Radio Free Charleston at The Gazz
Read more by Rudy at


i wikipediaed nonsequitor......it was too abstract in my mind to give it a definition or maybe i just didn`t no.well....apparently something in our dream sequence at the beginning of bad tofu was illogical to the following waking sequence.....i don`t know.....we kinda thot it was ALL a dream sequence....not that we really know....only the adminisratator knows for certain......so it wood be ALL nonsequitorry and shut....but what do we know????we only MAKE and OWN this stupid little show.....we are so happy to be here showing it TO you

if only any of this mattered......

we here at third mind promise we will NEVER delete YOUR comments....if anything....we might publish them some day in the companion booklet to the dvd.....and like ruach said way way back maybe on the first entry..............any publicity is good publicity....so quit yer bitching .....i`m pharaprasing there...
thank you

Dirty Laundry

This post is about us getting fired from something we weren't getting paid to do. We apologize to anyone who thought our mouth movements matched our vocal tracks and further apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank You.


If you had a problem with the way I was presenting your work, you should have contacted me directly. I'm trying to move this show to broadcast television, and you couldn't have picked a worse time to throw a hissy fit in the comments section. That's not the professional way to handle things. Sorry, but all those comments had to go.

Brian was telling me all along that you were okay with any changes I made to the cartoon to bring it up to the standards of the show. I'm not that hard to get a hold of if you had a complaint. We have time constraints on the show, and your work is not as "meticulously crafted" as you seem to think it is. How am I supposed to tell what's in sync when the mouth movements never match the words anyway? All I did with this last episode was cut it in half, excise the copyrighted song that you had Timmy singing, and add a couple of titles so that we didn't just hit the audience in the face with a total non-sequitor. The cartoon is challenging enough without any added confusion.

You don't want to be part of RFC anymore, that's fine, but please don't fucking sabatoge my chances to actually get paid to do this. I've been banging my head against the wall doing this show for free for the last year, and I'm not about to leave comments up that could chase away potential investors.

Wish you could have stuck around. Your work was getting better and it always cracked me up, but I can't risk having a loose cannon destroy my chances to make a living doing this.

Later, Rudy

Visit PopCult at The GAZZ

Watch Radio Free Charleston at The Gazz

Read more by Rudy at


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i was VERY aware that the comments were moderated before they were published and NO ONE with your best interest wood have published them.i never wood undermine your attempts at ANYTHING.i am a subgenius and don`t begrudge ANYONE their slack.i have tried to get your email before...maybe from the same source that you got mine.this is a terribly uncivil way to meet someone who`s content you use,isn`t it?we appreciate that you like our silly little cartoon and maybe i shooda used the sarcasm font when i said....meticulous.we...sirs and madams...are idiots and good at it.it`s all afucking shame....isn`t it,rudy?

And now we have to go look up the meaning of a non-sequitor to see if we accidentally did one of those.

May 14, 2007

I Am Not Gray

This little bit of animation was done on crazy talk version 4. something and photoshop version i don't know, the audacity, fruity loops and sony vegas (the ram hoggin' biatch). It is in delighted response to an anonymous sender's head which they asked be animated in crazy talk. So I took the privilege of doing so.
Oh, by the way...there are no STATEMENTS being made here.
Third Mind's third leg...the hermit behind the scenes, pecking away at some computer and a few free programs, just mendin' my own slacks and this anon head just pops up outta nowhere wanting to be animated, so...i had to SAY SOMETHING...right? no left, right
How political is that?

May 07, 2007


here`s a pic from our upcoming episode about officer shoate......
ya know after we had posted dope smokin grandson and after radio free charleston ran it in it`s uncut form....only then did we realize that tho the show was about timmy we hadn`t SHOWN timmy.....you hear his mouth and see some smoke but we hadn`t put him in there....visually.
so i`ve wondered all this time if anyone who viewed....of the freakin HORDES of fans....the show noticed that timmy wasn`t in there......
but now i wonder how many people think little timmy williams is a white boy......
we were gonna do this story where ya found out about timmy`s white mom in jail and his black dad where ever he be......werds to that effect...how timmy is with his white granny and they`re doin ok...praise jesus......but we got side tracked LONG before that doin a halloween show for radio free charleston.if you don`t know what that is, it`s an internet show from charleston westvirginia theoretically featuring local talent...so check it out and if you like that sort of thing you`ll like it......coz see.......

we had this one first storyline all set about satan`s pride when he wanted a clean car and granny`s cat kept walkin on it and timmy was gonna be A LAZY LITTLE PICANINNY....but first off....somebody was nervous about the little picaninny so we whited him up....diluted wooda been a better werd there...but we didn`t ever properly get it done coz we did an rfc for halloween and then thanksgiving and then christmas and two thirds of us don`t even do holidays......
so we learned how to do......whatever it is we do...while making jerk off episodes for radio free charleston and praise bob for that coz we don`t really have that many storylines and at least we`re more capable now of gettin our stories across...eye guess we are...we laff the whole time we`re makin this stuff up....and really we figger satan is spiritually and....well....WHOLLY unprepared for life on earth where nobody fears god anymore....a GREAT motivating factor once upon a time believe you me.....and nobody cares if the cops come around.....and he`s gonna pack it up and go back to hell where he`s more comfortable...where he belongs.....sooner than later......anyway....thanks for viewing the flowerbox.....

April 20, 2007

Flatline Television

Is everything realer in high definition? Timmy thinks so. Growing up we had 3 channels and one of 'em didn't work. And I saw the war in Viet Nam in black and white and the blood just looked like shadows.
This episode is about too much media, too much television and too much news...it's like this...
Everything you see or hear or read is a product designed to net your fatass, dirty dollars. So, save your money....for Penatgram Flowerbox t-shirts and key chains.
Don't scoff! Cafe Press will sell anything.
Thank You

March 28, 2007

Pumping Irony

Somebody back there abit mistook Fred Snuffer as a buffoon. We hope this sets that straight.

March 18, 2007

Press Release

Third Mind's Fred Snuffer, the muscular, masculine, woman-chasing, testosterone-fueled, thus seemingly stupid, heterosexual character...is in no way intended to resemble any other Fred Snuffers...anywhere...living or dead...what's in a name?

February 26, 2007

i`d rather smoke here than in the hereafter

we recently discovered that we smoke the same cigarettes as johney depp.and that prolly means jim jarmush does too.and that has GOT to make us cool on some level.bali shag classic european handrolling tobacco.start smokin,kids,and smoke the BEST!all the cool kids are doin it.
thank you

Tuesday Night is Hooka Night

The town where we used to live made it illegal to smoke cigarettes, even in a bar. The town where we live now, you can go to a bar and not only smoke cigarettes, you can smoke really expensive tobacco...from exotic, imported hooka pipes. Just like all the cool kids do. You would think that would be the irony. We here at Third Mind love tobacco. We would love to Hooka. But we'd rather have to go to custody court than be in either one of those places. That...that's what we're talking about.
Thank You

February 16, 2007

The Steve Jackson Project

You can't judge a book by it's cover. Well you can, but see where that gets ya. You gotta be careful about the contents page. And the timeline goes on forever. Ladies and gentlemen...Steve Jackson!
Thank You

February 14, 2007


HE'S A MAN! He's a Johnny Bravo GI JOE and how could you NOT want to ride the Snufftrain? Regardless of the size of the petard...hoisted is hoisted.

February 06, 2007

Bad Boys

Whatcha gonna do? Timmy and Tony watching COPS in Satan's camper.

February 03, 2007

Baad Tofu

Gosh kids, ain't it been a barrell of monkies makin' this episode? We wanted to show you little bits along the way but Administrator said that was not an option. It took us almost 3 months to make it...3 months outta our lives...but Administrator was kind enuff to set time back so it seems to YOU like it's been around a month. But it's still 3 months outta our lives.
Well...you gotta serve somebody.
Thank You

January 06, 2007

Dopesmoking Grandson

Hi There! This is Administrator. Who's to bless and who's to blame? Someone told me one time that sometimes I didn't speak to my best friends and didn't realize that my enemy was sleeping on my love seat. I don't remember if it was a friend who told me that or not.
You know Satan is new here. He's never lived here before. He's LIKE a new soul. And Timmy IS smoking dope in Satan's camper. But who hasn't? And Satan's just not trying to get the fuzz around here.
Thank You

I just wanna say

Dopesmokin' Grandson...epsisode number whatever...is almost finished. So close. And I dreamed last night that I watched the next episode. WATCHED. IT.
It's called BAAAD TOFU.
So I woke up and wrote it down. Then I woke up Electranama and told her ALL about it and...BOY HOWDY...she just laughed and I'm sure it was worth being woke up for...
I'm TURGID to do this next thing and I know EXACTLY how Orson Welles felt when he ran off to RIO to do that Carnivale footage when he hadn't even finished The Magnificent Ambersons.
Thank You