October 31, 2006

Nathan's Gummi Hot Dogs

I'm not sure that gummi hot dogs existed until we put it on the show. But it doesn't surprise me that they do. But today, on Halloween, we found Nathan's Gummi Hot Dogs at the Dollar Tree. NATHAN'S. GUMMI. HOT. DOGS. I'm pretty sure that they didn't exist before today. But if they do they should pay us for this commercial. Thank You.

October 29, 2006

satan told me

that he doesn`t even BELIEVE in hell and he`s not sure why you people keep sending yourselves there.

October 28, 2006


why is satan walking the earth and living in an upscale mobile home community?well here it is....
Hell Is Full.they aren`t even taking applications for more souls.they are back logged 5 years on the processing of the one`s they got.biznizz is good.are you surprised?
so there he is...hangin` out for at least five years...just drinkin` some tea and workin in the yard.not how you expected it..is it?

October 23, 2006

October 19, 2006

Nathan's Gravegrounds

Nathan's gravegrounds located adjacent to Nathan's Turkey Farm.

October 17, 2006

Nathan's Auto Salvage

if you`re ever in elkins,north carolina,visit Zach`s Towing and Auto repair.you don`t have to call ahead...they`ll see you coming.they`re gettin off easy with this.i was tryin to figure out how to virus up thier computers.if you know how to...feel free..Zack`s towing...elkins north carolina

Customer Lounge

Nathan`s hat says...Prosthetic Forehead Under Here...inquire within for one of your own.

October 16, 2006

Ballpeen Hammer

Bird poop 2

This cut contains a photo of real hotdog water that we really like. It got edited out on RFC.

Bird poop 1

Dope smoking grandson

This is from upcoming episode 2, Dope Smokin' Grandson. Satan thinks Timmy is smoking dope in his camper. Granny says he's only experimenting. Satan says Timmy has no will of his own. Granny says he's going thro a phase. And SOMEONE tags satan's camper...

Nathan's Automotive

You know that dream where you're frightened by a vicious hillbilly and your aluminum baseball bat turns into potted meat and he eats the whole thing? Or is it just me?

October 14, 2006

Nokia's flower dance...featuring Harrison as Nokia

Unsponsored Endorsement

Tom's Toothpaste...a product we use, and they should pay us for this commercial.