March 28, 2007

Pumping Irony

Somebody back there abit mistook Fred Snuffer as a buffoon. We hope this sets that straight.


Anonymous said...

who put what in the blacksburg water?

is only for the koreans or can we all partake?

pflbx said...

Actually two thirds of Third Mind don't DRINK the water here. We drink the re-de-magnetized, triple ionized and ultra radiated water from the machine at Walmart. Bring your own jug! 25 cent a gallon

water...comes from a Walmart.

But yes, we suspect there's something in the water.

Anonymous said...

we usually import deer park cuz city water tastes like somebody shit in the sludge. still, importing water . . . it's so difficult to live in such decandent disregard. but we shall overcome.

maybe if we imported blacksburgian water. although i think that politcal correctness dictates we call it africanamericansburg. i'm offended by that b-word.

Anonymous said...

I'll sue - I'll sue I say!

thStop it~ thstop it now or I'll get a lawyer.

pflbx said...

i have trouble believing that anyone Presenting hirself as republican as you doesn`t already have a lawyer.what`s all this gay stuff,anyway,fred?

pflbx said...

coz if THIS fred snuffer was a real person...THIS thick skulled,womanizing,knuckle dragger,i`m certain he would resent the implications of homosexuality and....i was gonna say get a lawyer....but he`d prolly already have one coz of those stalking charges and to try and get his driver`s permit back...

pflbx said...

funny thing about names,huh?how somebody else can have the same one as somebody else?ME... a name...eye call Myself....There`s a guy named timmy williams just north of county up...freakin sword of damocleez,i tell you...he`d sue me in a minute so he could buy some crack...i just have to trust the system...the system being...about one in a godzillion have the internet in that county and the one`s that do have a dial up download rate of about 17 kb a sec...udigg?...i`m hopin the very ignorance that i`m havin` a go at will guard my jewels while i`m dancing...thanks for viewing the flowerbox,fred

Anonymous said...

I called Brooks and he's going to help me fight this attack on my character.

I just withsh you were sthill at the Court so I could go thslap you hard.

I got me a cute lawyer - so watch out!