January 06, 2007

Dopesmoking Grandson

Hi There! This is Administrator. Who's to bless and who's to blame? Someone told me one time that sometimes I didn't speak to my best friends and didn't realize that my enemy was sleeping on my love seat. I don't remember if it was a friend who told me that or not.
You know Satan is new here. He's never lived here before. He's LIKE a new soul. And Timmy IS smoking dope in Satan's camper. But who hasn't? And Satan's just not trying to get the fuzz around here.
Thank You


Ruach X said...

didja know rev bob died?
i just discovered it.

Rev Bob is dead
Long live Rev Bob

Hail Eris
All Hail Bob


Anonymous said...

I knew Satan, years ago, before he moved into a trailer park.

Glad to see he's still about.

Anonymous said...

we like to call it mobile home community.upscale moblie home community.not a couch on a porch in sight...not even mine.

Anonymous said...

A pox upon me.

Upscale mobile home community it is.

But what's wrong with couchs on porches? We've got many of them here. I'm sure you remember...

Anonymous said...

no i didn`t know mr wilson died.looking back on when it happened,i think the internet was full of some rich girl`s crotch that week.thank you for veiwing the pentagram flowerbox network.