May 28, 2007

art for art`s sake

i`d like to talk about art.i dont know an effable thing about ineffable art.experts do.god`s gift to the faker......that`s what elmir de hoary said.and he should know.somebody said his fakes were real and they hang in museums to this day.if you`ve gone to any REAL museums you may have seen his fakes and not known it.he`s dead now so those fakes are REAL forever.museums aren`t for me or electranama....we like to touch things.i think i heard one time she got asked to leave coz she woodn`t stop touching......but i may have heard it in a dream.
i`ve come to know that art is an entity.none of us MAKE gives birth to itself and somebody gets to be the surrogate mother.and like many surrogate mothers i used to get attached and want to hold it and guard it and say it was mine.but it wasn`t.and it wasn`t everybody else`s, belonged to itself.i made money with it. i whored out my own surrogate child.who here has done that?show of hands?who here would LIKE to?tsk tsk.
not everybody who CREATES is doing it so other people can applaud them.we don`t all wanna be on tv.this two thirds sure never did.not every song that`s written is even MEANT to be heard.i wrote A LOT of songs one time.and the least 30 of them were written and nobody heard them but my momma.within the first 5 songs i wrote something called rosie MAY have sung along to it.because in NO TIME FLAT i was singin those songs and alot because i sang them....and others sang along....and i got paid....doesn`t mean they were meant to be heard.
electranama and i have been doing this cartoon for less than a year.we NEVER asked that it be shown ANYWHERE.we don`t even know if it`s good.only experts can say for has been a juicy time for me.we shared in a process that resulted in this netwerk`s been fun and creative and very INTIMATE.and we don`t even know what it means.we leave THAT to the experts, thing i`ve learned is if you got a good thing keep it to yourself coz everybody will want some and they always think that thier little piece won`t be missed.well an uncarved block ceases to be uncarvred with the first there.
some hungry monkies came along and ASKED US if they could use our cartoon.and it wasn`t even a cartoon!we didn`t even have any of the programs that we use to do was an idea.but they asked.we were told that somebody was tryin to get something started and needed ANYTHING to fill space.oh yeah...the old i got an empty space to fill......and someone somewhere tried to wrangle the intimate meanderings of two lone nuts in the same place at the same time into something UNDERSTANDABLE to everyone.ok....WE don`t know what it means beyond the shear childlike joy of smooshing colours around except we now get to make them ANYONE can claim to understand it enuff to CHANGE it is...ummmmm....beyond the pale....not sure about the origins of that phrase but it sounds pretenshus enuff for me to pseudo intellectualize with here. we don`t know whats POPular in CULTure.we don`t know what people want to see.and we honestly never tried to find out.coz this is the only place we ever APPROVED of our werk being.and its fine if you look at it.everything is everything,tony.we aren`t tryin to tell you anything with this`s just our observations to and with each other.tryin to make that commercial is like selling a childs painting rite off the refridgerator door......and kiddies.....that`s pretty desperate.......
i LOVE doing this cartoon.not too fond of seeing it cut up because it`s not DESIGNED for the scrutiny of an editor ....not intended for ANYONE`S agenda.....we don`t have an agenda with can somebody else PRESUME to?you know how when you get comfortable enuff with a friend and you can fart in thier presence?making this cartoon is like that for us...we can fart and laff about it....until someone comes along and starts judging our commingled flatulence for embouchure and tonal qualities.
art for art`s for god`s sake or they`ll cut off your internet.
thank you


Ruach X said...

no wonder

Ruach X said...

u cn tuch bunches ostuff at the smithsonians up here in armpit. tho i'm sure u aready know that.

toolin in my hood fer aspell
we might have BigFun

Ruach X said...

just read the rest of the story

they fuckin outed your name! ohwellhell . . .

you'd think that if it says 'by pflbx' or 'by rev baiter', true 'profeshunals' would use that attribution -- or isn't that still standard practice for artists? artists who wish to remain anon use PSEUDONYMS, and those PSEUDONYMS are usually honored.


i'm sorry

pflbx said...

No, not sorry...
I would like to thank YOU personally for YOUR respect. It's been a long time, eh?
Sister E

pflbx said...

just between us here on this blog...not bringin that other town into it.....i thot that`s what the credits were the credit given clifford charles.he is an AMAZING talent and only electranama and i ever got to werk with him.well.....So Far,Anyway.he`s also one of them whatchacall...young talents.i`m PROUD that flowerbox is in his list of credits for his future.but nobody ever asked about him...did they?over there,i isn`t the first time an arrangement of honour got a coupla old scotsmen in trouble....or made them coz others trouble...not the first time in history...but i thot the credits were for that self referential purpose......
thank you

pflbx said...

and it sure seems like revealing a source...and if you think i means it seems like narcing somebody out...yeah...feels that way to me....nothin matters and what if it did...

Ruach X said...

sources ain't sposed ta be narced out less your shtayud is on the choppin bloc and even if it is u still sposeta let the giltin blade git a few more inches close fore u say uncle or auntie or whatever the name yer source happens to be

how come evertime i try ta type source it comes out sours

must be cuz outin folks 'ginst their will leaves a sours taste in my mouth

pass the gin bottle
this shit tastes ugly and not the coyote kind neither

Ruach X said...


no need to thank me but thanks for doing so

thank bait
i learnt from the best